"Tito-Dante Marimpietri is an extremely hard worker on behalf of all citizens of Oshawa especially the residents of Ward 2, both at City Hall and on Regional Council. He is dedicated to ensuring that all current and future issues affecting you are dealt with in an open and transparent manner, while protecting the overall best interest of all parties involved in the process. As our Councillor, he represented Airport Neighbourhood concerns with diligence and effectiveness. Re-Elect Tito-Dante Marimpietri with your vote this election on October 24th."
Elizabeth | Doug Thomson, Co-Chair and Spokesperson of The Oshawa Airport Neighbourhood Association (CORE) and Respected Long-time
Ward 2 Residents
Reducing flight school activity and the noise resulting from it has been a community concern and is certainly a focus I have continuously championed on behalf of residents throughout the term and well prior dating back to 2003 when then Councillor Kolodzie and I as the areas newly elected City Councillor established an 'Airport Curfew' to help ensure that residents quality of life was respected.
Throughout my years of service, I have worked hard to help residents maintain acceptable livable balance of co-existence between the Airport and their daily lives. From the moment I earned your trust and confidence as Councillor, I have tackled the issues head-on as watchful presence with extensive experience and knowledge of the Airport file which has helped to protect area residents from runway expansions and any further increases in flight school activity.
Ultimately, as your neighbour, I understand that we need to restore the balance we once enjoyed, it is unfortunate that this balance was upset during the period of time I was away from Council. However, since returning as your newly elected Regional Councillor in 2018, I worked diligently within my authority, with the support of our Mayor my Council colleagues, and our staff to advance many initiatives to help restore order and balance at the Oshawa Airport which respects residents well being and quality of life.
Here are a number of major actions I have led to help achieve this important community priority, including a review and audit of the Oshawa Airport operations:
At our meeting on March 29th, 2021, City Council considered Report DS-21-44, a report of the Commissioner of Development Services regarding the Draft Proposed 2021-2022 Oshawa Executive Airport Action Plan and APPROVE the following resolution:
“That, pursuant to Report DS-21-44 dated March 3, 2021, Development Services staff be directed to obtain public input on the Draft Proposed 2021-2022 Oshawa Executive Airport Action Plan outlined in said Report, using the approach described in Section 5.14 of said Report, which will include holding a public meeting of the Development Services Committee.”
On May 10, 2021, a public meeting was held with respect to the Plan. At the conclusion of the public meeting, the Development Services Committee adopted recommendations to refer the Plan and eight pieces of correspondence to staff for consideration in the future recommendation report on this matter.
A copy of DS-21-44, including the Draft Proposed 2021-2022 Oshawa Executive Airport Action Plan, can be found at the following link:
The Draft Proposed 2021-2022 Oshawa Executive Airport Action Plan contains the following action items related to the Oshawa Executive Airport.
Action: Continue to Advance an Appropriate Balance Between the Airport and the Residential Communities
A common theme at the Town Hall and the virtual Workshops was the need to bring better balance of the operational aspects of the Airport with the quality of life of the residents in the surrounding community. The 2021-2022 Airport Action Plan will attempt to advance a better balance through the advancement of the Actions listed in this memo.
Action: Advance Opportunities to Restrict Flight Training Schools
On October 15, 2019, City Council directed staff to, amongst other matters, specifically review issues concerning flight training with a view of reducing the amount of flight training aircraft traffic. Four methods available to Council would be as follows:
Action: Re-affirm for Transport Canada that the City of Oshawa is Formally Opposed to the Establishment of New Flight Training Schools at the Airport.
In order to obtain an operating certificate as a base of operation, new flight training schools require permission from the Airport Manager. Accordingly, the Airport Manager will not consent to the issuance of any new certificates in this regard.
Action: Investigate on Amendment to Zoning By-law 60-94 to Limit the Number of Flight Training Schools at the Airport.
Investigating an amendment to Zoning By-law 60-94, as amended, to reduce the number of flight training schools permitted at the Airport from two to one supports the initiative of the Airport Manager noted under Action 4A directly above to not consent to the issuance of any new operating certificates. This investigation would be advanced if the City is successful in legal proceedings involving C.F.A.
Action: Complete Phase 2 of Air Quality and Noise Study
Phase 1 of the Air Quality and Noise Study for the Airport took place in 2019 and Phase 2 was delayed due to the restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it is now possible to advance Phase 2 of the Air Quality and Noise Study with data anticipated to be collected from within the residential community surrounding the Airport in July and August of 2021.
Action: Continue to Investigate Process to Establish New Noise Abatement Procedures and Restrictions
At its meeting of February 22, 2021, pursuant to Report DS-21-23 dated February 3, 2021, City Council authorized the Commissioner of Development Services, in consultation with the City’s Airport Manager, to advance the process prescribed in Advisory Circular 302-002 to request Transport Canada to establish a new noise abatement procedure at the Airport. Accordingly, staff will undertake the process outlined in the Advisory Circular, including the engagement of a qualified consultant with familiarity of the requirements of the Advisory Circular process to assist staff in this regard.
Action: Explore New Technologies and the Use of Unleaded Fuels
On May 21, 2019, Council directed that the use of new technologies for aircraft noise reduction and the phase-out of the use of unleaded fuel be explored as part of the process to update the Airport Business Plan. As such, it is appropriate to determine the availability of noise reduction technologies and unleaded fuel options for aircraft. The above-noted investigation has already been initiated by the Airport Manager and there is no cost associated with this work.
Action: Continue to Advocate With Transport Canada for Increased Enforcement of Safety
At a special meeting of Council held on December 11, 2017, the Airport Manager was directed to send a letter to Transport Canada advising them that a number of neighbors have expressed concern with the height that aircraft are flying over their homes while landing and taking off at the Airport. In correspondence dated February 21, 2018, Transport Canada responded to the Airport Manager on the matter of aircraft height restrictions operating at an Airport, noting that Transport Canada Civil Aviation Safety Inspectors will be visiting the Airport to observe circuit operations. A Transport Canada Inspector subsequently visited the Airport on September 6, 2018. The Inspector made observations from within the control tower and no irregularities were observed during the visit. City staff and the Airport Manager will continue to advocate with Transport Canada for increased enforcement of safety.
Action: Continue to Advocate With Federal and Local Elected Officials
Letters to the Federal Minister of Transport and Oshawa M.P.s and M.P.P.s were issued by the City pursuant to resolution DS-20-124 adopted by Council on October 26, 2020, requesting their support to address residents’ concerns regarding noise, air quality and safety at the Airport. Given that there is now a new Federal Minister of Transport, it is appropriate that the City’s request be re-sent by the Mayor, together with new details advising of Council’s decision on February 22, 2021 to undertake the process identified by Transport Canada Aviation Advisory Circular 302-002 to establish noise abatement procedures and restrictions at the Airport.
Action: Initiate Review of Fees
The 2015-2019 Airport Business Plan included a review of Airport fees. It is appropriate to undertake a new review of fees at the Airport relative to the fees levied at other airports. This work can be undertaken by the Airport Manager and there is no cost associated with completing the work.
Action: Update the 25 Year Capital Forecast through Annual Budget
The 2015-2019 Airport Business Plan included a 25 year capital forecast. It is appropriate to complete an update to the Airport capital plan.
Action: Continue to Advance Recommendations of the Independent K.P.M.G. Airport Audit
Pursuant to Council’s consideration of Report CNCL-20-66 dated May 20, 2020 regarding an independent Internal Audit of the Oshawa Executive Airport by K.P.M.G., five key recommendations were highlighted in the report and endorsed by Council as the general basis for improvements at the Airport (see Section 5.9 of DS-21-44).
Action: 1997 Operating Agreement
On October 15, 2019 City Council adopted a motion (Item DS-19-183) directing staff to, among other matters, prepare an information report outlining the current status of the 1997 Operating Agreement for the Airport between the City and the Federal Government.
Action: Continue to Advance Public Communications on Airport Matters
Staff will continue to advance opportunities to improve communications with the public on matters relating to the Airport as an ongoing practice. This includes updating the Airport webpages and providing notification, as appropriate, of forthcoming reports on Airport matters. Members of the public were invited to comment on the Draft Proposed 2021-2022 Oshawa Executive Airport Action Plan by participating in the virtual public meeting held by the Development Services Committee on May 10, 2021, completing a feedback form available online on Connect Oshawa until May 28, 2021 and/or submitting written correspondence. Staff carefully and comprehensively reviewed the comments and have concluded there is no need to change any of the proposed Action Items. As a result, staff recommend Council endorse the Action Plan.
Recommended Action - APPROVED
That the Development Services Committee recommend to City Council that pursuant to Memorandum DS-21-137 dated June 2, 2021, that Council endorse the 2021-2022 Oshawa Executive Airport Action Plan - AND - This Action was accordingly ENDORSED and APPROVED by Council.